LOCA’s Electric Taxi Fleet Expansion: Milestones, Future Growth, and Charging Infrastructure

[Vientiane Capital, April 3rd, 2023] – LOCA, a leading provider of eco-friendly transportation, proudly announces the expansion of its electric taxi fleet to 115 vehicles. Since the pilot program launch in September 2021 and the full-fledged transition program initiation in May 2022, LOCA has served customers a total of 440,000 km using its environmentally friendly electric taxis.

LOCA has set ambitious growth targets for the future. By 2025, LOCA projects to have 2,500 cars in its network, with 50% of the fleet being electric vehicles (1,250 EVs). By 2030, LOCA aims to operate 4,000 cars, with 100% of the fleet being electric vehicles. These projections highlight the increasing demand for eco-friendly transportation options and LOCA’s dedication to meeting this demand.

Developing EV Charging Infrastructure in Laos

To support this rapid growth, LOCA is also developing EV charging stations throughout Laos to accommodate both its taxi fleet and public use. Currently, LOCA has installed 9 charging stations in strategic locations, from Luang Prabang to Pakse. This infrastructure development showcases LOCA’s commitment to making electric vehicle adoption more convenient and accessible for everyone.

Supporting Drivers During the Green Transition

Furthermore, LOCA is dedicated to supporting its drivers during this transition by providing financing solutions. This assistance makes it easier for drivers to switch to electric vehicles and contribute to a more sustainable future. By doing so, LOCA ensures a smoother transition and encourages more drivers to embrace environmentally friendly transportation options.

“We are thrilled with the progress we’ve made in such a short time, and we couldn’t have done it without the support of our customers and partners,” says SOULIYO VONGDALA, CEO/Co-Founder of LOCA. “Our electric taxi fleet and charging infrastructure are testaments to our dedication to sustainability, and they showcase the increasing demand for eco-friendly transportation options.”

Leading the Way in Sustainable Transportation

LOCA’s commitment to environmental responsibility and its dedication to offering eco-friendly transportation solutions set it apart in the industry. With ambitious plans for future growth and the ongoing development of EV charging infrastructure, LOCA is paving the way for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future in Laos.


For more information about LOCA’s electric taxi fleet, services, and sustainability initiatives, visit www.loca.com.

About LOCA:

LOCA is a leading provider of eco-friendly transportation solutions, dedicated to offering sustainable and environmentally conscious travel options to its customers. With a rapidly expanding fleet of electric taxis and charging stations, LOCA is committed to reducing its carbon footprint, improving air quality, and paving the way for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future.

Media Contact:

Miss. Khainapha

Junior Marketing Executive

LOCA Phone: +8562098111129

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.loca.com

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