Promote your business with us for free!

Promote your business with us for free! LOCA would like to invite the café and restaurant to join our campaign to promote your business via LOCA Application and other channels to bring the new customers to your shop without any commercial charge. Contact us via our Facebook page: LocaLaos.

Let’s LOCA bring more customers to your shop.

What is promoting business with LOCA?
LOCA has a plan to bring our customers who are mainly the people love to try new food or new drink to explore new places such as café and restaurant around Vientiane. LOCA wants to bring the customer to make your businesses get the joyful atmosphere again. Therefore, we created this campaign to help promote your business for free.

Why you should join LOCA?
One of the main reasons is you can access the new group of audience through LOCA that has more than 50,000 downloaded currently. LOCA has a variety of users group including ex-pats, teenagers, and business people. Join a campaign with us now to attract new customers to your shop.

Promote your business with more than one platform
You can promote your restaurant or café with LOCA Application and other social media platforms including Facebook, website and we also send the notification our customers. All of these advertisements are free of charge.

Don’t worry about the design
LOCA has a team to support the banner design and update the system for your business without any cost. Contact us via our Facebook page: LocaLaos.

Let’s LOCA bring more customers to your shop!

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